The Vision and Mission

Our Vision

To Mobilize the Local Church.


Our Mission is to reach the nomads; the people who have left societal norms to chase adventure. We will meet them where they are as they search for meaning in the majesty of God\'s creation.

There are over 1 million Full Time RV\'ers in the United States. These are people who are either \"unchurched\" or unreached by local churches and community outreach. They are hungry and searching for truth.

We travel the country and live full time in an RV. At campgrounds we build relationships with fellow campers, especially full timers, to minister to them and preach the gospel. We also visit tourist attractions and do street evangelism to reach the lost.

Moran Family

About Us

Our Story

On a trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota in the Spring of 2021 with their children, Michael and Kambra Moran were inspired to start The Highway Church. Kambra had the travel bug and was ready to sell everything and live in an RV full time. Michael was a little more \"reasonable\". That is, until God got ahold of his heart. Once the seed of ministry was planted that was it. There was no turning back. After more than a year of casually discussing the idea, it was finally time to get going. 

The Ministry was officially incorporated in May of 2023 and a grand adventure began!

Rope Shop

Since 2023

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Contact Us

123 Life Is A Highway Any Town, USA

Get in Touch

Since we travel full time, we have limited access to our mailbox and we only check the voicemail box periodically. 

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